About Tar Topper
The TarTopper* is a molded thermo plastic cover for modern group 24 batteries, and fits all maintenance free, flat top, batteries from Delco, Exide, Napa, Autolite, etc with original 8 ¼” terminal spacing. We have had tremendous success with the TarTopper* Battery toppers. Since their introduction to Corvette and Chevy Restorers, they have become proven best sellers.
Great Fit
D/E version fits Delco, Exide, Napa, and Autolite, while the Optima version fits all group 34 Optima batteries.
Several Available Colors
Separately molded caps in the colors appropriate for all major manufacturers, as well as the original GM/Chevy yellow caps of the Tar top battery era, are available.New Expanded Line
We have retooled and expanded our line to accommodate the vast number of restorers of other makes that comprise the bulk of the classic and street rod market.
Customer Photos
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Breaking News
We have doubled our product line! 6 volt and new AGM Tar Toppers available now.